A Discovery of Witches A Novel All Souls Trilogy Deborah E Harkness Books

A Discovery of Witches A Novel All Souls Trilogy Deborah E Harkness Books
I have to say that I was a bit surprised when I saw the number of people who rated this book so poorly. But if you think about it, maybe not so surprised since books of this nature written for actual adults that involve actual thought and knowledge without offering continual gratuitous sex scenes are few and far between. People have simply gotten too used to reading Harry Potter (written for young adults), Sookie Stackhouse (written for adults who are bored or sexually deprived), and the like. Do not get me wrong, I have read both afore-mentioned book series myself when I am looking to read something that requires little thought. This book falls completely out of those categories. It was very well researched and few books are written in such a thought provoking manner these days. You definitely get buried in this story and all of the characters' nuances. The characters are very well developed and you find your heart reaching out to them as you delve further in and learn more about them and their pasts. I personally cannot wait until the next book comes out and was actually happy for once when I realized that it was to be part of a series and that I was going to get to see these characters again and hear more about them. I do not believe in giving the specifics of stories away but I say that this is a must read... unless you are simply looking for mindless entertainment.
Tags : Amazon.com: A Discovery of Witches: A Novel (All Souls Trilogy) (9780670022410): Deborah E. Harkness: Books,Deborah E. Harkness,A Discovery of Witches: A Novel (All Souls Trilogy),Viking,0670022411,Fantasy - General,Occult & Supernatural,Alchemy - Manuscripts,Alchemy;Manuscripts;Fiction.,Fantasy fiction,Love stories,Romance fiction,Science and magic,Vampires,Vampires;Fiction.,Witches,Witches;Fiction.,AMERICAN FIRST NOVELISTS,AMERICAN SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY,Alchemy,FICTION Fantasy General,FICTION Fantasy Paranormal,FICTION Occult & Supernatural,FICTION Romance General,FICTION Thrillers General,Fantasy - Epic,Fantasy - Paranormal,Fiction,Fiction - Fantasy,Fiction-Fantasy,All Souls Trilogy; romance novel; history; historical fiction; contemporary; paranormal series; supernatural; occult; time travel; fantasy; adventure; witches; witchcraft; spells; demons; vampires; thrillers; thriller books; paranormal romance; historical romance; witch book; witch; science fiction; witch books; historical fiction best sellers all time; deborah harkness; discovery of witches series; discovery of witches book; a discovery of witches; fantasy romance; time travel romance historical; fantasy books; romance,FictionFantasy - Epic,GENERAL,General Adult,Horror & ghost stories,Love stories,Manuscripts,Occult & Supernatural,Romance fiction,Science and magic,United States,Vampires,Vampires;Fiction.,Witches,Witches;Fiction.,a discovery of witches book 1;discovery of witches series;discovery of witches book;a discovery of witches;science fiction;paranormal romance;historical romance;historical fiction;witch book;witch;All Souls Trilogy;romance novel;history;contemporary;paranormal series;supernatural;occult;fantasy;adventure;witches;witchcraft;spells;vampires;thrillers;thriller books;witch books;historical fiction best sellers all time;deborah harkness;fantasy romance;time travel romance historical;fantasy books,FICTION Fantasy General,FICTION Fantasy Paranormal,FICTION Occult & Supernatural,FICTION Romance General,FICTION Thrillers General,Fantasy - Epic,Fantasy - Paranormal,FictionFantasy - Epic,Fiction - Fantasy,Alchemy,Manuscripts,American First Novelists,American Science Fiction And Fantasy,Fiction,Horror & ghost stories
A Discovery of Witches A Novel All Souls Trilogy Deborah E Harkness Books Reviews
Diana, a witch who avoids using magic, is studying alchemical history when she finds an old book covered in magic; she returns the book to the library archives, but witches, vampires, and daemons are all hunting it, some bringing danger for Diana, and others -- especially ancient vampire Matthew -- providing protection and love.
(Though reviews are inherently subjective, I prefer to provide some organization to my opinions through the use of a personal rubric. The following notes may contain spoilers.)
Plot and Setting 4.6 -- Plot is engaging from start to finish. Has many unique elements, no major holes, and a sense of focus. Major plot points are dropped or not resolved (cliffhanger). Setting is clear and believable. Timeline is clear and consistent. This is an incredibly detailed world, with interesting creatures, complex politics, and complicated family dynamics, all mixed in with elements of the mundane, ordinary world. There's terror and romance, adventure and personal revelations. It's complicated, and it doesn't resolve, leading directly into the next book, but it is wonderful. And it is clearly a well-planned story, since it is possible to track the days as they pass, from September 18 to October 31.
Characters 5 -- Relatable, realistic, interesting, dynamic characters. Even minor characters have depth, as do the relationships between characters. We meet many, many characters, with their own stories, personalities, creature attributes, and motivations (both benevolent and evil). They are all incredibly well imagined and outlined. Diana's struggle to accept her magic ability, and all that comes with it, makes her very relatable, and I enjoyed her relationships with Matthew, Sarah and Emily, Ysabeau and Marthe, and all her other friends and acquaintances.
Mechanics and Writing 5 -- Few, if any, typos, punctuation issues, or word errors. (<3/100pgs) Intelligent use of POV. Skillful writing that adds to the story. Errors include compound word and/or homophone confusion, mild punctuation or formatting issues. POV is mainly 1st-person Diana, with some scenes (all or almost all when Diana is not present to narrate) in a sort of universal 3rd-person narrative, dipping into the thoughts of whoever is needed to tell the important details.
Redeeming Value 3.6 -- Partially focused uplifting themes or lessons. Drugs, alcohol, violence, etc, are not glorified, though there is some shaky ground. A few borderline explicit sex scenes. Implied moral guidelines for behavior. No actual sex, though there's lots of kissing and intimate acts of 'bundling' between Diana and Matthew, and other sexual relationships are mentioned. A good deal of violence, which grows bloody and/or deadly more than once. Wine is a big deal, but it's enjoyed responsibly. Vampire politics and morality are apparently different from the human versions, falling more into the medieval, or even bestial. Some witches head that way, too. Lots of power plays, long grudges, etc.
Personal Enjoyment 5 -- I loved it. It made me feel in all the best ways, and leaves me content and satisfied. One I'll definitely read again.
I rated it 3 stars because the plot is interesting and unique, and the writing itself is very good. I have read some books with great stories, but the writing is just poor. This book does not share that problem and it is very well written.
The reason I knocked off a star is because I wish I had more of the actual plot instead of just constantly focusing on the romance. The other concepts are so interesting I wish the author would explore those more. I understand their romance is at the center of it all, but jeez we get it they love each other can we discuss any of the other million things going on for just a moment? Maybe that's just personal preference, though.
Also, it feels like Diana is constantly a damsel in distress and it is frustrating that even when she finally starts using her powers, she still needs a man to save her. And when her aunts are trying to help, the only person who actually helps her at all is a vampire and a man that she only just met, and it seems like a slap in the face to her aunts. I realize Diana has overwhelming power that is difficult for her aunts to teach, but Matthew isn't even a witch and he can help her.
I was torn between 3 and 4 stars because I really did enjoy the book. The alchemy and the feuding of all the creatures is interesting, I want to know what happens, but Diana is so subservient and always needs a man to rescue her it is just annoying, and Matthew is just an ass.
I really want to know what happens because the story and the writing are both great, but their relationship just dominates everything and it gets monotonous and they both annoy me, so for that reason I do not think I will read the next book. HOWEVER, if your preference is extra sappy love stories with plot on the side, this is for you. I don't say that as an insult because that is the type of book a lot of people like and maybe that's what this is supposed to be, but I was just looking for something else.
I have to say that I was a bit surprised when I saw the number of people who rated this book so poorly. But if you think about it, maybe not so surprised since books of this nature written for actual adults that involve actual thought and knowledge without offering continual gratuitous sex scenes are few and far between. People have simply gotten too used to reading Harry Potter (written for young adults), Sookie Stackhouse (written for adults who are bored or sexually deprived), and the like. Do not get me wrong, I have read both afore-mentioned book series myself when I am looking to read something that requires little thought. This book falls completely out of those categories. It was very well researched and few books are written in such a thought provoking manner these days. You definitely get buried in this story and all of the characters' nuances. The characters are very well developed and you find your heart reaching out to them as you delve further in and learn more about them and their pasts. I personally cannot wait until the next book comes out and was actually happy for once when I realized that it was to be part of a series and that I was going to get to see these characters again and hear more about them. I do not believe in giving the specifics of stories away but I say that this is a must read... unless you are simply looking for mindless entertainment.

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